ɬÀï·¬Identification Number
This is the unique six digit number that is given to you when you first apply/enrol at CIT. Your ɬÀï·¬number never changes and all of your personal and academic information is attached to this number. It will appear on your class schedule, invoices, academic transcript and CITCard.
If you contact ɬÀï·¬and seek information about your personal/academic records you will be asked to provide this number. You will also need it to log into eLearn, ɬÀï·¬Self Service.
No information will be provided in relation to your studies at ɬÀï·¬over the phone or by email without this number.
You may complete a 'Release of Information form' if you wish to have someone else make enquiries relating to your ɬÀï·¬record. This form is available at the ɬÀï·¬Student Services on any campus or by phoning (02) 6207 3188. You can also access the form on our Student Forms page.