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Skilled Capital

Skilled Capital

2023-2024: Skilled Capital Release

Skilled Capital is an ACT Government funded training initiative. It offers a comprehensive range of services and subsidies to provide Canberrans the support they need to complete the training that is right for them.

Skilled Capital is designed to support students to gain quality vocational qualifications and training where they have no other opportunity to engage in an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Skilled Capital offers subsidised vocational education and training to eligible people across Canberra. Places are limited and you must meet eligibility requirements.

Skilled Capital eligibility

Prospective students must meet the Skilled Capital eligibility requirements to secure a subsidised place.

As a minimum, a Skilled Capital student must, for the duration of the enrolment, be:

  1. an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand passport holder resident for more than six (6) months, or a person who holds a visa that is identified as being eligible, and
  2. living or working in the ACT, and
  3. at least 15 years of age, and
  4. not enrolled in or attending secondary school or college except where the student:
    1. is undertaking a course of study leading to completion of year 12 in an alternative program, or
    2. has an Exemption Certificate and the selected Skilled Capital qualification is an approved ASBA pathway.
  5. meet the eligibility requirements of individual courses.

Final places, students must enrol before the end of June for classes commencing in July 2024

Skilled Capital courses at ɬÀï·¬in 2024:

Training Product Code Training Product Name Upfront ɬÀï·¬Skilled Capital tuition fee Upfront ɬÀï·¬Skilled Capital concession tuition fee
SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management $1,100 $550
ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing
(places are now full)
$1,090 $545
SFL30115 Certificate III in Floristry
(places are now full)
$1,030 $515

Apply now

To secure a place in a Skilled Capital course at CIT, prospective students need to apply through the ɬÀï·¬website, by clicking on the course in the above table. For application type, please select ‘Standard’.

To confirm the course is suitable ɬÀï·¬will meet with prospective students to discuss eligibility, prior learning and experience, and completion of a skills assessment. ɬÀï·¬will develop a tailored Skilled Capital Training Plan with you, this will outline your learning plan. Once these steps are complete and you are assessed as eligible, ɬÀï·¬will amend your record to show you will be classified as a Skilled Capital student for the course.

Skilled Capital students pay an upfront Skilled Capital tuition fee, this covers costs for the course and materials. Concessions are available to eligible students for Skilled Capital courses, payment plans are available.

Once enrolled, Skilled Capital students commit to participating in classes, engaging in learning, completing assessments and if applicable practical placement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Can I study these courses through Skilled Capital at ɬÀï·¬another time?

A. This release of Skilled Capital will only subsidise enrolments before 30 June 2024.

Q. Are there priority learners for Skilled Capital?

A. Yes, Skilled Capital encourages prospective students that:

  • identify as having a disability
  • identify as being Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin
  • are identified as being youth at risk (aged 15-24 years of age)
  • are long-term unemployed (a person who has been registered as unemployed for at least the last 52 weeks – evidence will be required).

Q. What are the enrolment requirements for Skilled Capital?

A. As part of the Skilled Capital enrolment process prospective students must participate in an Initial Skills Assessment of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills against the course they are enrolling in. This will assist ɬÀï·¬to determine if the course is appropriate and if further learning and support strategies are required, including skills recognition.

Q. Are concessions available for students studying at ɬÀï·¬through Skilled Capital?

A. Yes, in addition to a 50% reduced tuition fee, students may also be able to apply for Fee Assistance Please refer to the ɬÀï·¬Concessions and Fee Assistance webpage for more information.

Q. What is a completion payment?

A. A. Eligible Skilled Capital students who successfully complete their qualification within approximately 2 years, may also be eligible for a Completion Payment of $300 from Skills Canberra*. A Completion Payment will be paid directly to the student upon completion of the Training Product and a Skills Canberra survey.

*Skills Canberra terms and condition apply, details are available in the .