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Payment for Christmas Shutdown (Temporary Staff) Policy

1. Purpose

To guide managers and staff to ensure correct payment is made to temporary teaching and general staff for the Christmas shutdown period.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all teachers and general staff employed on a temporary employment basis.

3. Principles

3.1 Staff employed on a temporary basis employed up to and including the last working day immediately prior to Christmas shutdown and who have been engaged for a further period of temporary employment, commencing or continuing, on the first available working day following Christmas shutdown will be paid for the entirety of the shutdown period.

3.2 Staff on temporary contract up to and including the last working day immediately prior to shutdown who have not been re-engaged and therefore will not be starting or continuing their employment on the first available working day following shutdown will receive the following payment:

  • where the employment duration has been less than 6 months, payment will be made for one week of shutdown; or
  • where the employment duration has been for 6 months or more, payment will be made for all of the shutdown period.

4. Documentation

Authority Source

  1. ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology Enterprise Agreement 2013 - 2017
  2. ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017

Related Documents

  1. Public Sector Management ACT 1994
  2. Public Sector Management Standards
  3. ɬÀï·¬Human Resources Delegations Manual

Supporting Guide

  1. Payment for Christmas Shutdown Procedure for Temporary Staff

5. Definitions

Agreement - The ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017, or its successors; and the ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017, or its successors.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Manager, ɬÀï·¬Safety and Employment Relations.

Contact ɬÀï·¬Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.